
IG Metall in Berlin's digital economy: recent highlights

16.12.2024 | IG Metall´s Berlin digital economy team has been hard at work organizing and developing efforts across several companies. Here's a look at some recent developments.

Petition Postcard at CARIAD (pic: IGM)

IG Metall officials and organized colleagues at CARIAD adressing employees (pic.: IGM)

(pic.: IGM)

MBition: Building Collective Strength

At MBition, regular shop floor meetings are now underway, allowing employees to discuss their working conditions. Many of the issues raised are challenges that can be resolved through a collective agreement. An increasing number of employees have already joined IG Metall and are actively working toward securing such an agreement.


Rolls-Royce Solutions: Negotiations on the Horizon

Employees at Rolls-Royce Solutions recently took a significant step forward by electing a bargaining committee. They are preparing to enter negotiations with management soon - a milestone worth celebrating.


CARIAD: United for Fair Pay and Job Security

Preparations are underway at CARIAD for the next round of collective bargaining, which enters a crucial phase in January. In support of their demands, IG Metall organized a nationwide petition demonstrating the workforce's solidarity behind a 7% payincrease with a 12-month term.

During a recent works meeting, employees also addressed concerns about long-term job security amid challenges at Volkswagen, CARIAD's parent company. The messange was clear: CARIAD employees stand united for a fair treatment and job stability.


Atos Berlin: Fighting for Fair Workload Practices

For around 20 years, employees at Atos Berlin here have been scanning documents on behalf of the state of Berlin, including police parking tickets. Despite shrinking staff numbers - dropping from 21 to just 15 - the company has resisted hiring new employees, instead relying on contract work. 
After months of mounting workloads, employees reported that conditions were no longer sustainable. In response, the works council has declared that overtime will no longer be tolerated due to health concerns. The ball is now in management's court to find a solution.


Continued Organizing and Networking

Besides this, we have taken care of the everyday madness of the world of work and employment. IG Metall continues to:

  • Support workers facing unjustified layoffs
  • Assist in the formation of works councils
  • Offer committee guidance
  • Build orginizational power within the digital economy


IG Metall also actively networks with other unions and worker groups. At the annual meeting for students, IT professionals, and engineers across multiple IG Metall districts, the Berlin team shared insights and strategies for organizing the digital sector.

At the All Unions Stammtisch in November, IG Metall joined forces with ver.di, the Tech Workers Coalition Berlin, and international colleagues to discuss organizing strategies and best practices. The meeting also included some lighter moments - karaoke and drinks were part of the agenda.

Looking ahead, preparations are underway for the next Tech Workers Conference in Berlin. So stay tuned - and organized, of course!

Von: cm

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