
Nationwide bargaining petition launched at CARIAD

02.12.2024 | IG Metall has launched a nationwide petition to rally support during the crucial weeks of pay negotiations at CARIAD. The petition aims to demonstrate the workforce's solidarity behind IG Metall's demands and strenghten their position at the bargaining table.

(pic.: IGM)

Key Demands: A Fair 7% Pay Increase

CARIAD employees play a vital role in the success of Volkswagen Group's overall performance. In recognition of their contributions, IG Metall and the workforce are demanding a 7% pay increase with a proposed contract duration of 12 months.

How To Participate

CARIAD employees con support the petition by: 

  • Returining a signed petition postcard to one of IG Metall's representatives
  • Printing the petition and bringing it to the next works meeting

By uniting behind the demands, the CARIAD workforce is sending a clear message of determination and solidarity for fair compensation. Stay engaged and organized as negotiations continue!

Von: sl; cm

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