
Tech Workers Conference in Berlin is now open for registration

25.07.2023 | On 13-14 October 2023, the second Tech Workers Conference will take place.

Techworkers Conference 2022, Berlin

After the huge success of the Tech Workers Conference in September 2022 we decided to have a second conference this year. For this we unite our forces with ver.di Berlin and Berlin Tech Workers Coalition again. This will be Berlin's largest English-speaking and interactive conference for Tech- and IT-workers and employees in the digital economy.

Here´s more information about the content and how you can register. In advance: Participation in the conference is free of charge for you.

Two days, one Struggle 

The first day of the conference is aimed at works council members. Since last September, more than half a dozen new works councils have been elected in Berlin’s tech workplaces. So there is a lot to talk about and after a keynote, there will be two workshop slots adressing legal issues, mobile work and surveillance for example.

The second day is of a more open character, adresses a larger audience and focuses on collective bargaining agreements.

Registration process

You are a works council member in your company and would like to participate on Friday, October 13, 2023?
The first day of the conference is an event for which you need an exemption recording to §37,6 of the Works Constitution Act (WCA; §37 Abs. 6 BetrVG).

First you need your Works Council vote on the resolution to have you participate in the conference.  Attached you will find a „Draft of Works Council Resolution for Participation in Tech Worksers Conference 2023".  Then follow the steps for registration in the attached document "Official invitation and registration for the first day of the conference (October 13, 2023)". There you will also find more information about the workshops.

You would like to participate on Saturday, October 14, 2023?
For this, you do not have to be a member of a works council and there are no other requirements.
Please register in a very uncomplicated and simple way via this form:

You would like to participate in both days?
Please register via both described ways.

Please register by September 15.

Created by: cm; dg

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