
Trusted members at CARIAD

Kickoff of the trusted members at CARIAD Nordost

01.07.2022 | At the works meeting of the “Betriebsrat” (works council) of CARIAD Nord East at the end of June, the newly elected IG Metall trusted members (“Vertrauensleute”) made a great presence. In Berlin's Zoo-Palast, a historically special place, the works meeting of the automotive software subsidiary in the Volkswagen Group took place in presence for the first time since the beginning of the corona pandemic.

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Stand der Vertrauensleute von CARIAD bei der Betriebsversammlung im Zoo-Palast in Berlin - Fotos: IG Metal

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In true style in front of a big screen, the employees came together to listen to the report of the “Betriebsrat”, but also to discuss with the “Betriebsrat”, IG Metall and management.

The trusted members at CARIAD, who were elected in April, did not miss this opportunity to introduce themselves, to talk to the workforce and thus officially start their work as trusted members. Well prepared, in freshly printed shirts, they had prepared a survey on the current tariff movement and iteration of the in-house collective agreement (“Haustarifvertrag”) at your stand in the foyer of the Zoo-Palast.

"We took advantage of the situation to finally get back into a face-to-face conversation with our colleagues and to ask for their ideas on the collective bargaining issues. It was a lot of fun to meet again in such a setting for a long time“, said Cindy Fasanya, trusted member at CARIAD in Berlin.

A film of the trusted members brought the workers closer to IG Metall. On the big screen they showed their self-made film, which caused applause in the Zoo-Palast.

"With their presence at the works meeting, the trusted members have made a brilliant start that they can be proud of! It is now important to build on this so that we can assert ourselves in the coming collective bargaining and the employees of CARIAD can implement their interests in the best possible way", says Vanessa Krieg from IG Metall Berlin. The Berlin office wishes the trusted members at CARIAD every success in their work and is happy to continue to support them on their way.

Von: Vanessa Krieg und Thomas Weber

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